In cities around the world Saturday, cyclists risked saddle rash – and possible arrest – to take a spin in the buff in order to protest the world's dependence on oil, RAW STORY has found.
"It is time to stop indecent exposure to automobile emissions and to celebrate the power and individuality of our bodies," says the Website for World Naked Bike Ride, the loosely knit organization that promotes the annual event.
Hundreds turned out in Madrid, Barcelona and Pamplona for what Spain calls the Ciclonudista or 'Nudecycle.' "We feel naked when up against traffic because people don't see the bicycle as just another means of transport," one participating cyclist told Reuters.
Organizers expected 500 cyclists in London and Brighton, up from 250 in last year’s event, according to ITN.
"The ride is fun, but has a serious side as well," one rider told the BBC. "By going naked, we show our vulnerability as cyclists in the traffic."
In the United States, 100 cyclists were expected in Burlington, Vt. The nudity, a participating cyclist told WCAX, "is a real symbol against commercialism."
It also provides amusement, said Michael Nedell, a Burlington organizer. "When you get a lot of naked people on bikes, people tend to smile at you," he told the Hartford Courant.
Nudity is legal in Burlington, but in many other places participants knew they were risking trouble with the law. "We don't expect everyone to be OK with this," an Illinois resident told the Chicago Tribune publication RedEye, according to UPI. "We're just trying to have a good time and raise awareness."
"The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) group was created by Daniel and Conrad to help coordinate a large international naked bike ride between many different activist groups across the World," according to the WNBR Website. "The World's first international naked bike ride in 2004 was a collaboration between the WNBR group which rode on June 12th and Manifestación Ciclonudista in Spain which rode on June 19th."
But according to Britain's Press Association, the nude bicyclists failed to distract anyone since it took place during a World Cup Match.
"As millions dropped everything to cheer England on to victory in its World Cup game, behind their backs naked cyclists, international rugby and a bizarre milk souring stunt passed them by," reported the Press Association.