This Saturday, October 22, our
28th Anniversary Celebration continues with our
Customer Appreciation Party. Guests who join us this Saturday will
receive a special VIP Card good for free admission until 2 AM in November in December. That's right, as A THANK YOU for your support, you can get in free for two months.These special VIP Cards are not valid on Halloween Weekend (10/29-10/30). The cards are valid for free admission until 2 AM through Sunday, December 25, 2005. So, the Customer Appreciation is a great deal, gets you in free until 2 AM for two months, and costs you nothing. If you can adjust your bar schedule a bit, you can enjoy our drag shows and DJ's for two months without paying a cover. Check out our EXP Magazine ad and website for more information.Saturday, October 22 DJ Pavel spins in the Main Room, DJ Steve-O spins in the Basement Bar AFTERHOURS, and Dieta Pepsi hosts her new comedy show, Dish With Dieta@ 12:30 AM, followed by an all new, late-night drag show @ 1:30 AM. Doors open Saturday @ 11PM. Our Basement Bar opens @ 1 AM. Saturday is 21+ with ID required.Now this part gets kind of complicated...For our customers who are already Faces VIP Members, your current VIP is valid through Sunday, October 23, 2005 (this Sunday night). Our next VIP list will go on sale this weekend too. The difference between your VIP List membership and the Customer Appreciation VIP Cards we are giving away this Saturday is pretty simple...the customer Appreciation Cards are valid for free admission until 2 AM and our VIP List is valid all night. The next VIP List will be valid on Halloween Weekend and the Customer Appreciation VIP Cards are not. They both offer a good deal and help you save money. We heard from many of you who told us you liked the two month VIP List that we offered (it was cheaper and easier to come up with the money) so we are going to do that again. Our next VIP List will be valid from Wednesday, October 26, 2005 through Saturday, December 31, 2005 @ midnight...yes, you read that right...for the first time, our VIP List will be valid on New Year's Eve until midnight (and not a minute later)...fill out the VIP Registration Form on our website, print it and bring it in, pay the VIP membership fee, present your ID, and you pay no cover for two months, and get in free until midnight on New Year's Eve. Select the VIP Level that is right for you.
Level One VIP gets you in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $35, $17.50 a month or $4.38 a week.
Level Two gets you and a guest in with no cover until midnight on New Year's Eve for only $65, $16.25 per person per month or$4.06 per person per week.
Level Three gets you and three guests in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $125, $15.62 a month per person or $3.90 per person per week. Each VIP Membership Level gets you in with no cover on Halloween Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, and New Year's Eve until midnight.