On most nights, I can log onto Gay.com and see many of our customers and former customers in the St. Louis Chat Rooms. After months of this, I decided that we needed to be able to communicate with those Gay.com members. I bought ads on Gay.com, listing basics about Faces on Fourth Street, our events, and even including coupons for free or discounted admission.
Our experience so far has not been very positive....it appears that if you are on Gay.com, you rarely leave the Chat area...rarely read the content or articles (we were featured in two articles, complete with photos of our customers)...and rarely use the Yellow Pages section. We continue to have a listing....in fact we list events on Gay.com before we post them on our own website (www.FacesNoLimits.com).... but it does become a little frustrating....
Gay.com is sponsoring a series of nightclub parties, and they selected Faces on Fourth Street to host the only St. Louis party. Our Gay.com Come Together Party is this Friday, October 14, 2005. Read more about the party on Gay.com. Friday night is 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink. The first 100 guests will get free stuff from Gay.com and their sponsors. DJ Beezwakz opens the night then Chicago DJ Greg Drescher from Hydrate spins AFTERHOURS starting @ 2 AM.
Victoria Rose hosts the Five Whore Friday Drag Show @ 12:30 AM. Main Room doors open @ 11 PM on Friday. We hope to turn this into a regular event...maybe once a month host Gay.com members....the idea on Friday is that you meet on line then get to see each other face-to-face at the party. We will ask you to wear nametags with your Gay.com screen names to make it easier to meet.