We are really excited and hope you will be too....we hope to host the biggest and best Faces on Fourth Street New Year's Eve Party on Saturday, December 31, 2005.....Where Will You Be On NewYear's Eve? Celebrate with your friends at Faces on Fourth Street...
For a limited time only - Discounted Advance Tickets are on sale now for only $10 each. This price is only available through Sunday, December 11, 2005.
Upgrade your New Year's Eve experience with our Open Bar Package. For only $15 more...Total price for admission and Open Bar only $25 through December 11, 2005, you can purchase a three hour open rail bar (rail liquor and domestic longnecks) from 9PM until Midnight.
Check out our New Year's Eve Extravaganza details then buy your tickets tonight!
Saturday, December 31, 2005 Faces on Fourth Street
invites you to our Chocolate Decadence New Year's Eve Extravaganza featuring...
Our 12 Hour Dance Party...open from 9 PM until 9 AM...featuring our resident DJ's Pavel, Beezwakz, Josh Waters, and Steve-O...
Two Special Drag Shows hosted by Victoria Rose.. shows 10:30 PM & 1 AM.
Special Guest Adult Video Stars (they were both in Falcon's"Cross Country") Roman Heart and Benjamin Bradley...not only are they hot..they are boy friends...
Champagne Toast and Balloon Drop @ Midnight
Incredible Chocolate Fondue Fountain (with warm Ghiradelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate) and Fresh Fruit Buffet from 9 PM until Midnight.
If you agree that this will be one incredible party...the hot video stars alone are worth the price...buy your advance tickets tonight...call your friends and tell them about this incredibledeal...and before you ask...the tickets go up in price to $15 after Sunday, December 11...then they go up again on New Year's Eve....check out our website later this weekend for more details and pictures...and check out the next issue or EXP Magazine for our New Year's Eve ad.