OK, we aren't making this up. Friday, May 5th is NO PANTS DAY. NO PANTS DAY is a wacky day celebrated by college students where they basically spend the day without a pants. Check out their website: www.NoPantsDay.com for details on how to celebrate. There are even sample flyers that you can print and share with your friends. May 5th is also Cinco de Mayo, traditionally a great party celebrated with tequila and Mexican beer. So, you know where this is going right? We thought, you guys had so much fun at our last College Lights Out/Underwear Party, why not combine a Cinco de Mayo Party, NO PANTS DAY, and our Lights Out/Underwear Party. Friday, May 5th, celebrate NO PANTS DAY all day, then join us for our Cinco de Mayo Lights Out/Underwear Party. Leave your pants at home (but bring your ID and money) and we'll let you in for only $5. That means the pants stay off all night...Pay the cover ($12 for everyone) and check your clothes until 4 AM and we'll give you a pass for free admission until May 28, 2006. Guests in their underwear get free fountain soda until 4 AM. Our 21+ guests can enjoy $2.50 rail Margaritas and $3.50 Mexican beer all night. Pass it on.