Did you make it to Faces on Fourth Street Sunday night for U Can
Dance? Why not? If you missed it, you missed an awesome party. The dance
floor was packed. The bar was packed. The show was great. The go
go bois were hot. U Can Dance was a new party concept planned,
organized, promoted, and executed by Siren and her BF Charlie
with a lot of help from a great showcast. Combining performers
with non-stop high energy music, the crowd was on our dance
floor all night. Sunday was great fun. Thank you to everyone who
came out on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who helped promote U
Can Dance on MySpace. Thank you to Siren, Charlie, our cast, and
Rosee (he said he was worn out from the fast pace in the DJ
booth) for making it all work. Please tell your friends what
they missed and let us know if you think we should do it again.
After a slow Friday & Saturday, we worried that all of St. Louis
had taken a roadtrip to Kansas City for their Pridefest...which
made our Sunday U can Dance success so amazing. Everyone, thank
you again.