Friday, July 21, 2006 - We are sorry to report that the City of
East St. Louis has extended their 8 PM curfew for one more night
. Basically the city is locked down after 8 PM with no liquor
sales alllowed and no one allowed on the streets. While we have
power, most of the city is still dark and they have extended the
curfew for public safety. We disagree with this decision, not
only do we and our staff need the money, but we know that many
of you are without power, a little stressed out, and in need of
some Faces-style R & R. .
Faces on Fourth Street will be closed Friday, July 21, 2006. We
are sorry that we can't be there for you to cool off Friday
night and hope to have better news for you tomorrow. Please tell
your friends to check back with us on Saturday and we look
forward to seeing you soon.