Wednesday November 22, 2006 join us as we celebrate Freshmen Magazine's 15th Anniversary. Channel 1 Releasing and Freshmen Magazine have provided us with tons of free stuff including DVDs, copies of Freshmen Magazine's 15th Anniversary issue, and lube samples. Wednesday November 22, 2006 is 18+ to enter & 21+ to drink. Doors open @ 10 PM. If that wasn't enough to get you to come out, Wednesday November 22, 2006 is also our Homecoming Dance. Thanksgiving is traditionally when people come home to family and friends. Party with old friends and meet new ones at our Homecoming Dance. Siren hosts our Battle of the Amateur Drag Queens @ 11:30 PM & 1 AM. DJ Charlie Buttons spins your requests before, between, and after the show. Guests dressed in formal wear, tuxs, or tacky ball gowns get in free all night. Tell your friends to meet you at Faces on Fourth Street next Wednesday November 22, 2006.