For our friends, drinking buddies, and loyal customers - the latest buzz, musings, rants, raves & attempts at humor from Faces on Fourth Street - St. Louis's Hottest Afterhours Nightclub & Cabaret.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
NYE Guest Adult Video Star Benjamin Bradley
Where will you be on New Year's Eve?

We are really excited and hope you will be too....we hope to host the biggest and best Faces on Fourth Street New Year's Eve Party on Saturday, December 31, 2005.....Where Will You Be On NewYear's Eve? Celebrate with your friends at Faces on Fourth Street...
For a limited time only - Discounted Advance Tickets are on sale now for only $10 each. This price is only available through Sunday, December 11, 2005.
Upgrade your New Year's Eve experience with our Open Bar Package. For only $15 more...Total price for admission and Open Bar only $25 through December 11, 2005, you can purchase a three hour open rail bar (rail liquor and domestic longnecks) from 9PM until Midnight.
Check out our New Year's Eve Extravaganza details then buy your tickets tonight!
Saturday, December 31, 2005 Faces on Fourth Street
invites you to our Chocolate Decadence New Year's Eve Extravaganza featuring...
Our 12 Hour Dance Party...open from 9 PM until 9 AM...featuring our resident DJ's Pavel, Beezwakz, Josh Waters, and Steve-O...
Two Special Drag Shows hosted by Victoria Rose.. shows 10:30 PM & 1 AM.
Special Guest Adult Video Stars (they were both in Falcon's"Cross Country") Roman Heart and Benjamin Bradley...not only are they hot..they are boy friends...
Champagne Toast and Balloon Drop @ Midnight
Incredible Chocolate Fondue Fountain (with warm Ghiradelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate) and Fresh Fruit Buffet from 9 PM until Midnight.
If you agree that this will be one incredible party...the hot video stars alone are worth the price...buy your advance tickets tonight...call your friends and tell them about this incredibledeal...and before you ask...the tickets go up in price to $15 after Sunday, December 11...then they go up again on New Year's Eve....check out our website later this weekend for more details and pictures...and check out the next issue or EXP Magazine for our New Year's Eve ad.
Lights Out Underwear Party

We've had a lot of requests for the return of our Lights Out/Underwear Party to Saturday nights. Saturday, December 10, check your clothes and party in your underwear all night. Our Lights Out/Underwear Party on Saturday, December 10 starts @ 11 PM. There is no dress code this time but it makes it a lot more fun if everyone participates and checks their clothes. Guests who check their clothes until 5 AM get in free on Saturday, December 17th. DJ Josh Waters spins in the Main Room and DJ Steve-O spins AFTERHOURS in the Basement. Victoria Rose hosts our 1 Hour Drag show in the Main Room @ 1:30 AM. You still have time to head to Boxers (the underwear store in the CWE) to pick out some hot new underwear.
Naughty or Nice?

Sunday, December 11th is the Faces on Fourth Street Naughty or Nice Customer Appreciation Christmas Party. Admission is by invitation only. Email newsletter subscribers will be in invited (you can sign up for our newsletter from our website toolbar @ www.facesnolimits.com) or ask your favorite bartender for an invitation. From 8 PM until 10 PM on Sunday, December 11th, you are invited to enjoy an open rail bar (rail liquor and domestic longnecks) and finger food. We'll have a special Christmas Drag Show @ 10 PM then you can stay for our Sunday CURFEW 18+ College Dance Party with DJ Josh Waters.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Can Madonna Jump Start the Club Scene?

The word is out that Madonna's latest CD, "Confessions on a Dance Floor" is incredible. Every track is supposed to be heart-stopping dance hits. Faces resident DJ Josh Waters has been playing the first single from her CD, "Hung Up" and the crowd loves it. Maybe Madonna can help energize the dance floor and get everyone back to the clubs.
Here is a review from the UK:
ANYONE who thought MADONNA might have abdicated as the Queen of Pop can kneel at her throne once more.
I’m the first journo IN THE WORLD to have heard her new album – and it is an absolute belter.
Confessions On A Dance Floor wipes the, er, floor with her critically acclaimed CDs such as Ray Of Light. It is an hour of pure electronic dance/pop heaven.
Madonna says: “I want people to jump out of their seats. It’s about having a good time straight through and non-stop.”
And she’s absolutely right about that. There are no gaps between tracks so listening feels like you are having a private DJ session at the Ministry Of Sound.
I can’t find a weak track, and I’m confident the album will be hailed a masterpiece on its November 14 release.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Can you name the DJ's @ Faces...or any other bar?

I have been thinking about this for quite some time...it has come up on our forum postings several times...and I don't have an answer. The rest of the gay world embraced DJ's...name DJ's have been sellable attractions at circuit parties and gay dance clubs in every major city for years...the community knows their names...knows their style of music...and pays top dollar cover charges to hear them mix. The closest big city to St. Louis, Chicago has some incredible DJ's...and many of our customers travel there to experience them on a regular basis.
Faces has some of the best DJ's in St. Louis...our resident DJ's, Pavel, Josh Waters, Beezwakz, Adrian Fox, and Steve-O are talented, skilled, and can fill a dance floor just like many of the name DJ's...our resident DJ's are great...yet, I doubt that most of our customers could name our DJ's....I doubt they could name the DJ's spinning at any of the gay bars in town...and they certainly don't know the names of the guest DJ's that we have booked...even though many of them are famous. There seems to be a disconnect in St. Louis...or a lack of interest in the music and the talent delivering it...something that we don't see in any other big cities....and it has made it hard...hard to know what our customers want to hear....hard for the DJ's....and hard for us to book/plan events. Browsing our website forum, there are as many opinions on music as there are customers...some want hip hop all the time....some want house....some want pop....some want "gay" dance Anthems....we try to please as many different tastes as possible by offering several different DJ's...each with their own style and approach to the music...and by offering different styles of music on different nights....yet there is no consensus...no prevailing support for and demand for a particular style of music or DJ....so often we (the club and our DJ's) are flying blind....unsure who our audience will be on a particular night....what music they will respond too...or even if they will respond at all....I have seen nights when a song will fill the dance floor but empty the dance floor the next night it is played. Often, our Main Room resembles a junior high school dance....with guests surrounding the dance floor but afraid to be the first one to dance. If the DJ can break through and get the first people out there....the night can build into something incredible...for me, I don't dance, but few things are as exciting as watching a dance floor filled with hot, sweaty men....moving to the music....feeling the beat....but few things are as hard on a DJ (and a club owner) as an empty dance floor. What is frustrating is that even if our customers don't like everyone of our DJ's and don't like every song we play....it would be nice if they would consistently support at least one of them....sending a signal that this is what we should play....this is who you like as a DJ....we have a handful of customers who do that...who make a point of coming when certain residents are on the turntables....but that is only a handful...there is a fairly large group of "circuit boys" in St. Louis...guys who plan their vacations around circuit parties...who travel just to hear a DJ....yet even that group is inconsistent with their support of DJ's....we can book the same name talent that they paid hundreds of dollars to hear at a circuit party yet they don't keep up with and support our guests or resident DJ's...frequently they tell us that they did not know we had an event or a guest....they just happened over and had a good time. We continue to work on the problem....we are booking fewer guest DJ's then we did a few years ago and focusing on our own talent....but we could use some help...when you enjoy the music...when you like what you hear....tell the DJ.....fill the dance floor....but more importantly tell your friends that you liked the music and had a good time at Faces. Last weekend we played 28 years of dance music...the dance floor was full for hours....we think everyone had a great time....but again....we need the guests who had fun tell tell their friends...the easiest way to make sure you have a good time is to make your own party and bring your friends with you to Faces.
This weekend, resident Pavel spins Friday & Saturday in the Main Room, Steve-O spins Saturday in the Basement AFTERHOURS, and Josh Waters spins on Sunday. Next Saturday both Josh Waters and Steve-O will spin in the Main Room for our Bare As You Dare Fantasy & Fetish Ball.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Customer Appreciation Party This Saturday
This Saturday, October 22, our 28th Anniversary Celebration continues with our Customer Appreciation Party. Guests who join us this Saturday will receive a special VIP Card good for free admission until 2 AM in November in December. That's right, as A THANK YOU for your support, you can get in free for two months.These special VIP Cards are not valid on Halloween Weekend (10/29-10/30). The cards are valid for free admission until 2 AM through Sunday, December 25, 2005. So, the Customer Appreciation is a great deal, gets you in free until 2 AM for two months, and costs you nothing. If you can adjust your bar schedule a bit, you can enjoy our drag shows and DJ's for two months without paying a cover. Check out our EXP Magazine ad and website for more information.Saturday, October 22 DJ Pavel spins in the Main Room, DJ Steve-O spins in the Basement Bar AFTERHOURS, and Dieta Pepsi hosts her new comedy show, Dish With Dieta@ 12:30 AM, followed by an all new, late-night drag show @ 1:30 AM. Doors open Saturday @ 11PM. Our Basement Bar opens @ 1 AM. Saturday is 21+ with ID required.Now this part gets kind of complicated...For our customers who are already Faces VIP Members, your current VIP is valid through Sunday, October 23, 2005 (this Sunday night). Our next VIP list will go on sale this weekend too. The difference between your VIP List membership and the Customer Appreciation VIP Cards we are giving away this Saturday is pretty simple...the customer Appreciation Cards are valid for free admission until 2 AM and our VIP List is valid all night. The next VIP List will be valid on Halloween Weekend and the Customer Appreciation VIP Cards are not. They both offer a good deal and help you save money. We heard from many of you who told us you liked the two month VIP List that we offered (it was cheaper and easier to come up with the money) so we are going to do that again. Our next VIP List will be valid from Wednesday, October 26, 2005 through Saturday, December 31, 2005 @ midnight...yes, you read that right...for the first time, our VIP List will be valid on New Year's Eve until midnight (and not a minute later)...fill out the VIP Registration Form on our website, print it and bring it in, pay the VIP membership fee, present your ID, and you pay no cover for two months, and get in free until midnight on New Year's Eve. Select the VIP Level that is right for you.
Level One VIP gets you in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $35, $17.50 a month or $4.38 a week.
Level Two gets you and a guest in with no cover until midnight on New Year's Eve for only $65, $16.25 per person per month or$4.06 per person per week.
Level Three gets you and three guests in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $125, $15.62 a month per person or $3.90 per person per week. Each VIP Membership Level gets you in with no cover on Halloween Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, and New Year's Eve until midnight.
Level One VIP gets you in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $35, $17.50 a month or $4.38 a week.
Level Two gets you and a guest in with no cover until midnight on New Year's Eve for only $65, $16.25 per person per month or$4.06 per person per week.
Level Three gets you and three guests in with no cover through New Year's Eve for only $125, $15.62 a month per person or $3.90 per person per week. Each VIP Membership Level gets you in with no cover on Halloween Weekend, Thanksgiving Weekend, and New Year's Eve until midnight.
Did you have fun at our FEVER Party?
First, thank you to everyone who joined us last Saturday night for our FEVER Dance Party. We have heard from a lot of customers who told us that they loved DJ Beezwakz's salute to 28 years of dance anthems. Judging by the dance floor, full until 6 AM, we think everyone had a great time. If you enjoyed last Saturday's party or liked the special Faces Collectors CD (2 CD set) that we gave away, please let us know (post on the forum)...and tell your friends what a good time you had. Thank you again and thank you to DJ Beezwakz for keeping the dance floor full. The response was so good that we will probably make it a monthly event. That being said, we had about half the crowd that we expected and needed to pay for the event. Everyone who was there seemed to be having a great time, but we still lost money...so it was kind of bittersweet...the dance floor was full...we threw a great party...again there was a coupon on Gay.com good for $5 off the cover...a new comedy drag show hosted by Dieta Pepsi, and we still need to ask for your help.
Disappointing Friday Night Turn-Out
If you made it to our Gay.com Come Together Party last Friday night, thank you for coming over. This was something new for Gay.com...sponsoring a nightclub tour...and we were very disappointed. The Come Together Tour has been advertised on Gay.com for at least two months...the ads included our name and the date of our party...the parties were also advertised in national gay magazines...guests attending our Friday night party received bags of free stuff from Gay.com sponsors, got to see our Friday night Five Whore Drag Show, and to hear two DJ's...our own resident Beezwakz plus Greg Drescher from Hydrate in Chicago. Greg was here for Mardi Gras and everyone loved him. With all that, plus coupons on Gay.com good for free admission until 2 AM, we didn't even have an average Friday night crowd. Personally, it is disappointing....the time it took to stuff the gift bags...the time it took to plan the party....the money it took to bring in a guest DJ...pretty much reinforces something that we have said before...we see people in chat rooms and postings complaining about the nightlife in St. Louis...complaining about the bars...wishing that they lived someplace else...yet, time and again when we make the effort, spend the money, do something different...most of the complainers do not support us...we aren't alone in this....we hear from other bars that planned and advertised events only to be disappointed when the community support isn't there...it is frustrating...sometime heartbreaking...and the very reason that we ask you to help us motivate and communicate with your friends. Each time we or any other bar has an event that fails, it just means that bars will be less likely to try it again...less likely to gamble and spend the money when the support wasn't there last time. We are aware of straight bars (Velvet) that has been able to hold AFTERHOURS parties, reopening at 6 AM to crowds of several hundred people...with no advertising other then word of mouth spread face to face and by cell phone the night of the party. I don't know how to tap into that network...so we hope to build a new one....but it has to start with you...even if you can't go out...help us tell your friends about our events...from what we could tell, last Friday, the first dozen people through the door actually knew about the party...everyone else who came, just came because it was a Friday night and had no idea that we had an event. We need help getting the word out. When you read about our events, on our website, in our emails, in our EXP Magazine ads...pass the word on to your friends.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Have You Thought About Halloween Yet?

Halloween is one of the gayest holidays....often the first time boys dress in drag....always a night get in touch with your creative gay gene....Halloween in Key West...Halloween in New Orleans....Halloween in West Hollywood...the streets are full of gay men in creative costumes....St. Louis used to be like that...the Pythian Party...a private, gay warehouse party was a huge deal....costumes were required...they never announced the location until the last minute....and the place was packed...the CWE hosted a huge outdoor Halloween night party that attracted tens of thousands of people....things have changed...the Pythians Party was raided in 1993...there was some crime and violence in the CWE....both parties ended....the Pythians did host two more parties at Faces...the CWE has tried various day time "family friendly" parties...a few wealthy gay men have hosted private parties....but St. Louis' gay population seems to have given up on Halloween.
We would like your help to try to turn things around. This year, we are hosting parties on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30...and we are thinking about a party on Monday too. Our Saturday event is the Bare As You Dare Fantasy & Fetish Party. We would love to see lots of body paint, liquid latex, rubber, leather, Saran Wrap, and of course skin. Sunday night is Masquerade - The Costume Ball....everyone must be in costume to get in on Sunday....we want 100% participation...Sunday night is 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink. We have shows both nights....Saturday night. DJ Steve-O & DJ Josh Waters spin in the Main Room...Sunday night, DJ Josh Waters spins. Work on your friends...do some online searches....start on your costumes now.
Shake Your Groove Thing Saturday October 15

Saturday, October 15 Faces on Fourth Street salutes 28 years of dance anthems. Saturday is our Fever - The Big, Shiny Balls Party. The late founder, Jerry Edwards opened Faces in 1977, the same year that Studio 54 opened in New York City and The Warehouse opened in Chicago. To commemorate Faces 28th Anniversary, come dance to 28 years of music, from The Bee Gees and Sylvester to Madonna, Cher, and Men Without Hats, DJ Beezwakz will play the hits to make shake your groove thing. Dress in 70's disco apparel and get in free until 2 AM. Doors open Saturday @ 11 PM. Faces Collectors CD's (2 CD set) with 28 years of music will be given away throughout the night.
New Dieta Pepsi Comedy Show

Dieta Pepsi returns to Faces on Fourth Street this Saturday, October 15 to host a new comedy show the Cabaret. DISH with Dieta Pepsi starts @ 12:30 AM on Saturdays and will be part stand-up, part talk show, and all Dieta. DISH with Dieta will run from 12:30 AM until 1:15 AM, then @ 1:30, Dieta will host a new late night Drag Show with Victoria Rose and special guests. The new late night Drag Show will run until at least 3:30 AM so even if you stay in St. Louis until the bars close, you will still be able to catch some drag.
We continue to offer Drag Shows on Fridays @ 12:30 AM, Sundays @ 11 PM, and our Battle of the Amateur Drag Queens on Wednesdays @ 11 PM...four nights of shows each week.
Are you on Gay.com?

On most nights, I can log onto Gay.com and see many of our customers and former customers in the St. Louis Chat Rooms. After months of this, I decided that we needed to be able to communicate with those Gay.com members. I bought ads on Gay.com, listing basics about Faces on Fourth Street, our events, and even including coupons for free or discounted admission.
Our experience so far has not been very positive....it appears that if you are on Gay.com, you rarely leave the Chat area...rarely read the content or articles (we were featured in two articles, complete with photos of our customers)...and rarely use the Yellow Pages section. We continue to have a listing....in fact we list events on Gay.com before we post them on our own website (www.FacesNoLimits.com).... but it does become a little frustrating....
Gay.com is sponsoring a series of nightclub parties, and they selected Faces on Fourth Street to host the only St. Louis party. Our Gay.com Come Together Party is this Friday, October 14, 2005. Read more about the party on Gay.com. Friday night is 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink. The first 100 guests will get free stuff from Gay.com and their sponsors. DJ Beezwakz opens the night then Chicago DJ Greg Drescher from Hydrate spins AFTERHOURS starting @ 2 AM.
Victoria Rose hosts the Five Whore Friday Drag Show @ 12:30 AM. Main Room doors open @ 11 PM on Friday. We hope to turn this into a regular event...maybe once a month host Gay.com members....the idea on Friday is that you meet on line then get to see each other face-to-face at the party. We will ask you to wear nametags with your Gay.com screen names to make it easier to meet.
Sad News About St. Louis Nightclub
We were sorry to hear that Velvet on Washington Avenue will be closing on October 29, 2005. Although it was rumored for months, we are sorry to see another nightclub close. Velvet was probably the nicest club on the west side of the Mississippi...the sound system was great, lighting incredible, staff and managers gay friendly, and they consistently delivered talented resident and internationally known guest DJ's. When the owners opened their first club on Washington, Sanctuary, there was nothing there but empty warehouses, dark streets, and a handful of pioneering nightclubs....Evolution was a block away....Twist was across the street....and that was about it...Evolution boomed then was sold a few times and eventually closed....Twist was the hot gay dance club for several years, then moved down the street and became Fall Out, also a hot gay dance club until the crowd abandoned it after a gay warehouse party was raided and closed and Fall Out's owner was blamed for the raid.... Sanctuary went upscale 10 years ago after a tasteful remodel and became Velvet....we worked with Velvet and it's sister club Rue 13 on quite a few shared events (guest DJ's) and they were always cool people...never homophobic...in fact the owners, manager, and DJ's used to party at Faces (before they grew up and got married).
Someone will write a book about nightclubs in the the last 5 years....but I think the owners of Velvet will agree that their best year, like ours, was 2000....before the Supreme Court appointed a new President...before that President received a briefing on terrorists that he ignored (he never even had a meeting about that memo)....before 9/11 turned our country into a nation of frightened, cocooners....overnight, clubs saw their customers disappear, preferring the safety of home over the excitement of clubbing with strangers. As people stayed home, the Internet grew in popularity, to the point where many club goers replaced nightclubs with a night on the computer....downloading the music they used to dance to and hooking up online instead of going out to get laid. After the fear of an attack subsided, the economy nosedived....club goers were either downsized or lost their commissions and bonuses...in every other economic downturn (Ford and Bush I's tenures) people still partied....this time is different....
While experiencing this change in nightlife, Velvet found itself in middle of a real estate boom on Washington Avenue...the empty warehouses are now million dollar lofts....so it became a matter of time before the new residents decided they didn't want to live above a nightclub....before the developers decided they could make more with retail space (Velvet will be a bank) then they could make with a nightclub. While the influx of new residents and huge investments in housing is a positive thing for the City of St. Louis, it is too bad that there wasn't room for both.....a thriving nightlife and a place to live. Most experts in the industry predict that the era of the super club, the big room, are over in nightclubs. Instead, the trend both in St. Louis and across the country seems to be small lounges, bars with a fraction of the space of Velvet that are cheaper to operate and easier to fill....25 people looks like a crowd at Freddies or Novaks but barely fills lobby at The Complex or Faces. Velvet owners just opened the old Drake Bar space behind The Complex...called The Clubhouse...a much smaller space...no dance floor...but they will offer many of their Velvet DJ's....they are also involved in a restaurant/lounge in Clayton with food and music...again, a small space and no dance floor. While this trend only makes clubs like Faces and The Complex even more unique...it isn't something that we welcome.
Someone will write a book about nightclubs in the the last 5 years....but I think the owners of Velvet will agree that their best year, like ours, was 2000....before the Supreme Court appointed a new President...before that President received a briefing on terrorists that he ignored (he never even had a meeting about that memo)....before 9/11 turned our country into a nation of frightened, cocooners....overnight, clubs saw their customers disappear, preferring the safety of home over the excitement of clubbing with strangers. As people stayed home, the Internet grew in popularity, to the point where many club goers replaced nightclubs with a night on the computer....downloading the music they used to dance to and hooking up online instead of going out to get laid. After the fear of an attack subsided, the economy nosedived....club goers were either downsized or lost their commissions and bonuses...in every other economic downturn (Ford and Bush I's tenures) people still partied....this time is different....
While experiencing this change in nightlife, Velvet found itself in middle of a real estate boom on Washington Avenue...the empty warehouses are now million dollar lofts....so it became a matter of time before the new residents decided they didn't want to live above a nightclub....before the developers decided they could make more with retail space (Velvet will be a bank) then they could make with a nightclub. While the influx of new residents and huge investments in housing is a positive thing for the City of St. Louis, it is too bad that there wasn't room for both.....a thriving nightlife and a place to live. Most experts in the industry predict that the era of the super club, the big room, are over in nightclubs. Instead, the trend both in St. Louis and across the country seems to be small lounges, bars with a fraction of the space of Velvet that are cheaper to operate and easier to fill....25 people looks like a crowd at Freddies or Novaks but barely fills lobby at The Complex or Faces. Velvet owners just opened the old Drake Bar space behind The Complex...called The Clubhouse...a much smaller space...no dance floor...but they will offer many of their Velvet DJ's....they are also involved in a restaurant/lounge in Clayton with food and music...again, a small space and no dance floor. While this trend only makes clubs like Faces and The Complex even more unique...it isn't something that we welcome.
Kevin Brown Is Adorable

All Worlds Video Exclusive Kevin Brown performed at Faces on Fourth Street last Saturday night and he is adorable. He was nice, friendly, no attitude, and very hot. The crowd that we had on Saturday loved him...unfortunately the crowd was not big enough to pay for him...as we feared, we lost money Saturday night. I made a mistake in our EXP ad last week and we had the wrong date advertised for Kevin...but we did our best to correct the mistake...our website was correct for the last month...our email newsletters were correct...our Gay.com listing was correct, and our drag cast talked about Kevin's date on mic during every show...but we still had a disaster...which just makes it harder for me to decide to do anymore "events" for a while...just as most of you are struggling to find the money to pay for gas, we just don't have money to lose on anymore events. We tried to make Saturday affordable...we had a coupon on Gay.com's Yellow pages good for free admission until 2 AM and we didn't get a single coupon redeemed. The odd thing is that very few of our VIP members were there Saturday and their admission was already paid for when they bought the VIP. So, I am back to the idea that the way to reach our potential customers is through you...one person at a time...talking and telling friends...why would you do that...help us reach your friends....because parties are usually more fun with a crowd of your friends...you will have more fun...they will have fun and appreciate you for telling them about events...and we will be able to continue offering events like video star Kevin Brown....so everyone wins if you hit your Buddy List and your cell phone and tell people about fun events we have planned.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Porn Stars
It has been several months since we booked a video star...Not because we don't like them...I just love to chat with them in the dressing room while they fluff and get ready...but because they are expensive and the last few that we brought in lost money. When we bring in a video star, we generally pay for their round trip airfare, hotel, and a performance fee...Add advertising to that and we need a great crowd just to break even. We know that hot male dancers are part of what people expect from us, so we have been booking male dance revues the last few months...They usually drive and their fees are less then the fees that video stars charge.
I tried to explain this in our email newsletter before and some of our readers got angry...They thought I was lecturing them or attacking them for not supporting our events....So here goes again...For us to make a commitment and book an act, whether it is a video star, a recording artist, or a DJ, we need the support of our core customers. We have some trouble getting the word out to our customers about events...Time and again we chat with customers who are either in the club and have no idea that something is going on....Or they miss the night when the event happens and they tell me later that they didn't know about it. For those reasons, we have not booked as many video stars or recording artists as we have in the past.
We have all heard the complaints...The cover is too high...But the cover pays for the entertainment. If we dropped our drag shows, stopped booking video stars and dance revues, stopped booking recording artists, stopped booking guest DJ's we could charge a lower cover all the time...But then Faces would be just like every other bar...We have always tried to offer more....more entertainment...more choices....And that costs more. We know the cover is an issue...But so is losing money on an event.
We know times are tough for many of our customers....Many of you have told us that you are working two jobs to make ends meet...Some of you are college students with limited income...And we are all finding it difficult to pay the increased cost of gasoline...So we are trying to give you options short of deciding to stay home....We have coupons on Gay.com's Yellow Pages...coupons in our email newsletters...promotions that involve free admission when you participate in an event like our toga parties...reduced cover prices if you arrive early....all with limited success...there are nights that guests could get in free just by logging onto Gay.com and printing a coupon and many of your friends still decide to stay home.
So, our challenge is, first, getting the word out to customers when we have an event that they would probably enjoy...then convincing them that the event has value and is worth their time and money.
We have a video star booked this Saturday, October 8...Kevin Brown...he is hot...and exclusive star with All World Video. We are hopeful but worried...hopeful that there is a buzz about Kevin and we will get a good crowd. We had originally planned booking four video stars in October but were concerned that our customers would not be able to support that many events in a month. If we don't, it is unlikely that we will book anymore video stars for quite awhile. Hope to see you there.
I tried to explain this in our email newsletter before and some of our readers got angry...They thought I was lecturing them or attacking them for not supporting our events....So here goes again...For us to make a commitment and book an act, whether it is a video star, a recording artist, or a DJ, we need the support of our core customers. We have some trouble getting the word out to our customers about events...Time and again we chat with customers who are either in the club and have no idea that something is going on....Or they miss the night when the event happens and they tell me later that they didn't know about it. For those reasons, we have not booked as many video stars or recording artists as we have in the past.
We have all heard the complaints...The cover is too high...But the cover pays for the entertainment. If we dropped our drag shows, stopped booking video stars and dance revues, stopped booking recording artists, stopped booking guest DJ's we could charge a lower cover all the time...But then Faces would be just like every other bar...We have always tried to offer more....more entertainment...more choices....And that costs more. We know the cover is an issue...But so is losing money on an event.
We know times are tough for many of our customers....Many of you have told us that you are working two jobs to make ends meet...Some of you are college students with limited income...And we are all finding it difficult to pay the increased cost of gasoline...So we are trying to give you options short of deciding to stay home....We have coupons on Gay.com's Yellow Pages...coupons in our email newsletters...promotions that involve free admission when you participate in an event like our toga parties...reduced cover prices if you arrive early....all with limited success...there are nights that guests could get in free just by logging onto Gay.com and printing a coupon and many of your friends still decide to stay home.
So, our challenge is, first, getting the word out to customers when we have an event that they would probably enjoy...then convincing them that the event has value and is worth their time and money.
We have a video star booked this Saturday, October 8...Kevin Brown...he is hot...and exclusive star with All World Video. We are hopeful but worried...hopeful that there is a buzz about Kevin and we will get a good crowd. We had originally planned booking four video stars in October but were concerned that our customers would not be able to support that many events in a month. If we don't, it is unlikely that we will book anymore video stars for quite awhile. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Welcome to the Faces on Fourth Street Blog
Thanks for visiting the new Faces on Fourth Street blog. For those of you not familiar with blogs, they are basically a journal, diary, or web log. Blogs have grown in popularity over the last five years as bloggers have used them to share their thoughts, knowledge, and research abilities with the world. Bloggers influence continues to grow as they cover late-breaking news, politics, gossip, and everyday life. Our goals are less lofty. We hope to communicate with our loyal customers, answering questions, sharing details on new club promotions and events, keeping them current on information that we think they can use, and maybe persuading them to come to the club more often. The fact that you are here means that at some point you met me at the club...maybe we had a drink together...maybe I enjoyed watching you dance and I introduced myself....maybe we chatted about the club and you had a great idea....or maybe you were just a good customer, someone who exchanges nods and smiles with me...however we met, I thank you for taking the time to hit this blog as well as the club. Please do not pass this blog address on to anyone else yet...we hope to meet and get to know a small group of people like you...people who enjoy the club and who can help us make the Faces experience more enjoyable. We hope to nurture a more intimate relationship with our blog visitors, building a group of "friends of Faces" who can help us spread the word about the club. We might tell you something before we announce it publically...we might ask your advice...we might invite you to a private party. Blogs can be updated almost immediately so we will be able to provide "late" updates on club news and events. The blog format can lend itself to interaction and facilitates better understanding. We hope that people who may not visit Faces on Fourth Street often will find our blog and website (FacesNoLimits.com) interesting enough to contemplate coming more often. While we hope to sometimes entertain or amuse, and our blog will not confine itself exclusively to Faces on Fourth Street, we make no pretense of being anything more then what we are. If we offend or make anyone angry, we apologize in advance. We will try to treat everyone with respect and we ask that people posting comments do the same to us. Because our blog may sometimes have adult content, we ask that all blog visitors and posters be over 18. I have to ask...if you have a complaint or a concern, please email us rather then posting negative comments here. I found with our website forum that the attacks got very personal and could have been resolved with a civil email or a face-to-face conversation. We will feel our way and see how we can make this work without rehashing old news...or hurting anyone's feelings.
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