For our friends, drinking buddies, and loyal customers - the latest buzz, musings, rants, raves & attempts at humor from Faces on Fourth Street - St. Louis's Hottest Afterhours Nightclub & Cabaret.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Can You Say, LOSERS?
It is Friday, March 31st at roughly 11 PM. We just got a phone call from Victims of Desire...and they are so sorry, they aren't coming. OK, join me....everyone together...Victims of Desire are fucking losers. This group, claims to be professionals....they claim they have never cancelled a booking in 22 years....well Faces is their first...after advertising them for the last 6 weeks in EXP (gee, do you think they offered to reimburse us for their screwing over Faces...nope)...They call us roughly 2 hours before they were supposed to be on you think maybe they knew earlier today since they live in Ohio and we aren't exactly a two hour drive from Ohio? We have had pretty good luck with dancers, video stars, DJ's, and recording artists...most of them are professional and show up when they promise to be fact I can coumt on one hand the number of times one of our bookings has been a "no show". Victims of Desire is obviously do us a favor...pass this on to everyone you know....Victims of Desires...LOSERS! We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you decide to come party with us this weekend anyway.
It's Friday...18+ College Dance Party & Hot Male Dancers
Just a quick's Friday night, March 31st...tonight is our 18+ College Dance Party with DJ Beezwakz spinning in the Main Room..Victoria Rose hosting our Five Whore Drag show @ 12:30 AM, and the men of Victims of Desire stripping for you. Doors open tonight @ 11 PM. Enjoy $2 Mich Ultra longnecks all night.
Something New - Freddie's Teams With Faces

Friday, April 7th, Freddie's Bar on Manchester Street teams up with Faces on Fourth Street to host two big parties. Freddie's hosts a 21+ Lights Out/Glow Party. Guests who attend Freddie's first will receive a special discount coupon for cover to Faces. Our 18+ guests can start their party at Faces on Fourth Street with our College Lights Out/Underwear Party. Drop your pants and dance in the dark. There is a coat check available. Check your clothes until 3 AM and you get a pass for free admission to Faces for the month of April. Guests in their underwear get free fountain soda all night. Two great parties on Friday, April 7th. Tell your friends...if we can make this successful you may see more joint parties. You still have time to head to Boxers in the CWE to pick out some new underwear. FYI - Freddie's Bar party is not an underwear party because St. Louis bars can't offer that'll only find it at Faces on Fourth Street.
Bahamas Ban Brokeback Mountain
According to the Chicago Daily Herald, in an AP story, " A Bahamian government board's decision to ban the movie "Brokeback Mountain" has prompted charges of discrimination and censorship in the island chain.
Gay rights groups and others have called on the Plays and Films Control Board to reverse its decision prohibiting theaters from showing the award-winning movie about a troubled love affair between two cowboys.
"You have a group of people who are telling grown men and women what they can and cannot watch," said Philip Burrows, a theater director in the island chain. "I cannot understand denying people the right to make their own choices."
Theaters in Nassau, the capital, already had begun to advertise the movie Friday when the board announced its ban at the request of the Bahamas Christian Council.
"The board chose to ban it because it shows extreme homosexuality, nudity and profanity, and we feel that it has no value for the Bahamian public," Chavasse Turnquest-Liriano, liaison officer for the control board, said Wednesday.
Bahamas Christian Council sucessfully lobbied to get "Brokeback Mountain" banned in the Bahamas.
The Rainbow Alliance, a gay rights group, called the ban a "farce," and said most Bahamians reject the idea a "small group of appointed individuals ... can provide the moral compass for the entire country."
Some have suggested the board could have simply issued a rating that would have barred anyone younger than 18 from seeing the film.
Critics also noted even some countries where homosexuality is illegal have allowed the movie to be shown in theaters.
"This is not a movie to be banned. This is not a subject to be censored," said Bahamas resident Liz Roberts, who has worked in film production. "It is a subject to be aired, a subject to be confronted openly."
"Brokeback Mountain," which won critical acclaim and three Oscars, including best director for Ang Lee, has also been banned in mainland China. Turkey has restricted viewing to viewers older than 18." Funny thing about the Bahamas; they are still a contititutional monarchy with the Queen of England their official head of state. Maybe it is time for the Queen to step in before some other queens decide to boycott the Bahamas. Planning a cruise? It appears that gays are not welcome in the Bahamas.
Gay rights groups and others have called on the Plays and Films Control Board to reverse its decision prohibiting theaters from showing the award-winning movie about a troubled love affair between two cowboys.
"You have a group of people who are telling grown men and women what they can and cannot watch," said Philip Burrows, a theater director in the island chain. "I cannot understand denying people the right to make their own choices."
Theaters in Nassau, the capital, already had begun to advertise the movie Friday when the board announced its ban at the request of the Bahamas Christian Council.
"The board chose to ban it because it shows extreme homosexuality, nudity and profanity, and we feel that it has no value for the Bahamian public," Chavasse Turnquest-Liriano, liaison officer for the control board, said Wednesday.
Bahamas Christian Council sucessfully lobbied to get "Brokeback Mountain" banned in the Bahamas.
The Rainbow Alliance, a gay rights group, called the ban a "farce," and said most Bahamians reject the idea a "small group of appointed individuals ... can provide the moral compass for the entire country."
Some have suggested the board could have simply issued a rating that would have barred anyone younger than 18 from seeing the film.
Critics also noted even some countries where homosexuality is illegal have allowed the movie to be shown in theaters.
"This is not a movie to be banned. This is not a subject to be censored," said Bahamas resident Liz Roberts, who has worked in film production. "It is a subject to be aired, a subject to be confronted openly."
"Brokeback Mountain," which won critical acclaim and three Oscars, including best director for Ang Lee, has also been banned in mainland China. Turkey has restricted viewing to viewers older than 18." Funny thing about the Bahamas; they are still a contititutional monarchy with the Queen of England their official head of state. Maybe it is time for the Queen to step in before some other queens decide to boycott the Bahamas. Planning a cruise? It appears that gays are not welcome in the Bahamas.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Brokeback Mountain DVD Hits the Stores April 4th

"Brokeback Mountain" surprised a lot of people by doing well in some very "red states" and conservative cities. We think it would be cool if "Brokeback Mountain" broke records when it goes on sale on Tuesday, April 4, 2006. So, this is us doing our part to remind you to flood the stores on Tuesday to pick it up...or order it now from Either way works for us. One blogger on Proceed at Your Own Risk suggested that, "Go buy a copy and give it to a straight person who hasn't seen the movie. People love free stuff no matter who they are and I would put forth the argument that many heterosexuals who wouldn't otherwise take the time to watch Brokeback Mountain, will do so if it's received as a gift.
Now don't go giving a copy to the obviously gay-friendly, target the almost gay-friendly or better yet, complete strangers. Give a copy to a straight family member who's not so sure about you and about "it." Be creative: a cop, a librarian, a teacher, a mother pushing a baby carriage, a bank teller, a grocery store clerk, a father playing with his son in the park, a co-worker. Do it anonymously if you must, but do it. I hear that George W. has yet to see the movie so feel free to mail one to the White House." There is a fun "Brokeback Mountain" website, complete with a contest, some "e-postcards", and a chance to tell your own story. Visit Brokeback Mountain DVD and check it out. Check out Proceed at your own risk for a thoughtful (and sometimes fun) blog.
Have you tried AB's new Peels
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch had an article on March, 29, 2006 about Anheuser-Busch's new product, Peels, a fruit-juice flavored malt beverage. For those who like to be the first to try new stuff, we have been serving Peels for a few weeks @ Faces on Fourth Street. The Post wrote, "Earlier this month, Anheuser-Busch quietly rolled out Peels nationwide, with its four flavor combinations: blueberry-pomegranate, strawberry-passion fruit, pear-lemon and cranberry-peach...To make its product distinctive from other flavored beverages, Anheuser-Busch is using only natural fruit juices in the beverage, forgoing artificial flavors. Also, Peels contains no preservatives. " Peels is one of our specials on Wednesday nights...available for only $2 or try Peels on your next visit to Faces on Fourth Street this weekend for only $4.50. The Peels website lists some interesting cocktails you can make by mixing Peels with vodka. Look for us to be offering that sometime soon.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Reminder - Victims of Desire This Friday & Saturday
We have been promoting this event pretty heavily with ads in 3 issues of EXP Magazine and posting on our website's front page so we apologize if you have already heard....but just in case you forgot to tell your friends...this Friday & Saturday, March 31st & April 1st, the Victims of Desire Male Dance Revue will perform @ Faces on Fourth Street. These studs are out of Ohio...Friday night is 18+ to enter & 21+ to drink with the show starting in the Main Room @ 12:30 AM. Saturday is 21+ with the show starting in the Cabaret @ 1 AM. When we book dancers, they always perform as part of our Drag Show. They do two early and one get here early and enjoy two hot male shows plus our Drag Show. Doors open Friday & Saturday @ 11 PM. Friday, March 31st is the last night of our March "No Cover" offer. Arrive before 2 AM on Friday, tell the door man you read about our "No Cover" offer in EXP or on our website, show your ID (you must be 21+ to take advantage of the offer) and you pay no cover Friday night.
Risky sex more likely for young men with positive body images
Reuters writer Anne Harding reports that, "Young men who feel good about their looks are more likely than their peers with a less positive body image to engage in risky sexual behavior, a new study of college students shows.
The men who were most satisfied with their appearance, and the most appearance-oriented -- meaning they were highly invested in their looks and considered appearance to be important -- were also the most likely to have sex without condoms and to have sex with multiple partners, Dr. Eva S. Lefkowitz of Pennsylvania State University in University Park and colleagues report. Read the whole Reuters story @
The men who were most satisfied with their appearance, and the most appearance-oriented -- meaning they were highly invested in their looks and considered appearance to be important -- were also the most likely to have sex without condoms and to have sex with multiple partners, Dr. Eva S. Lefkowitz of Pennsylvania State University in University Park and colleagues report. Read the whole Reuters story @
Faces Spring VIP List on Sale Now
Pay no cover to get into Faces on Fourth Street for the next two months. Avoid the cover in April and May by signing up for our Faces Spring VIP List. Click on "VIP" on our website toolbar for pricing information, details, and the Registration Form. Select the VIP Level that works best for you, print the Registration Form, fill it out (please print), bring your ID, pay for your membership, and you can start saving now. With our VIP List, you can arrive any time and pay no cover...all you need is your ID that must match our VIP List. We've added an extra perk...sign up this weekend and you are invited to two private parties with select complimentary beverages.
AP Reports AIDS Drug Shows Prevention Promise
From time to time we will use our blog to report, comment, or complain about the news. Today seems to be a reason to celebrate: Gilead AIDS Drugs Show Prevention Promise By MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Medical Writer © 2006 The Associated Press
ATLANTA — Twenty-five years after the first AIDS cases jolted the world, scientists think they soon may have a pill that people could take to keep from getting the virus that causes the global killer.
Two drugs already used to treat HIV infection have shown such promise at preventing it in monkeys that officials last week said they would expand early tests in healthy high-risk men and women around the world.
"This is the first thing I've seen at this point that I think really could have a prevention impact," said Thomas Folks, a federal scientist since the earliest days of AIDS. "If it works, it could be distributed quickly and could blunt the epidemic."
Condoms and counseling alone have not been enough HIV spreads to 10 people every minute, 5 million every year. A vaccine remains the best hope but none is in sight.
If larger tests show the drugs work, they could be given to people at highest risk of HIV from gay men in American cities to women in Africa who catch the virus from their partners. Read the whole AP story here:
ATLANTA — Twenty-five years after the first AIDS cases jolted the world, scientists think they soon may have a pill that people could take to keep from getting the virus that causes the global killer.
Two drugs already used to treat HIV infection have shown such promise at preventing it in monkeys that officials last week said they would expand early tests in healthy high-risk men and women around the world.
"This is the first thing I've seen at this point that I think really could have a prevention impact," said Thomas Folks, a federal scientist since the earliest days of AIDS. "If it works, it could be distributed quickly and could blunt the epidemic."
Condoms and counseling alone have not been enough HIV spreads to 10 people every minute, 5 million every year. A vaccine remains the best hope but none is in sight.
If larger tests show the drugs work, they could be given to people at highest risk of HIV from gay men in American cities to women in Africa who catch the virus from their partners. Read the whole AP story here:
Monday, March 27, 2006
You'll Be Doing Keg Handstands

One of those "Best Kept Secrets" of Faces on Fourth Street is our Sunday Keg Party. Every Sunday is our Quarter (25 cent) Pabst Blue Ribbon Draft Special. You read this right...25 cent Pabst Blue Ribbon draft all night...every Sunday. Doors open Sunday @ 5 PM for our 21+ guests with an ID. Enjoy our quarter draft all night then @ 10 PM our Main Room opens for our 18+ CURFEW Dance Party & Drag Show.
News Flash! Forward This to Your Friends!

Please remind your friends! This Saturday, April 1st, Daylight Savings Time starts. When you go out on Saturday night, remember that all the St. Louis bars with 3 AM licenses will be closing at 2 AM. Daylight Savings Time takes effect at 2 AM on Sunday, April 2nd. This is news your friends can use when they decide where they will be partying on Saturday night. The 1 AM bars (Freddie's, Loading Zone) will still be open until 1:30 AM, but the 3 AM bars have to close an hour early. Faces on Fourth Street opens Saturday, April 2nd @ 11 PM. We will be open and serving until 8 AM Sunday morning. Our Diamond Dolls Saturday Drag Show starts @ 1 AM in the Cabaret and runs until 4 AM (old time) or 5 AM (Daylight Savings Time). The Victims of Desire Male Dance Revue will be performing with the Diamond Dolls on Saturday night. DJ Pavel spins all night in the Main Room and DJ Steve-O spins AFTERHOURS in the Basement. Bring your friends over early and party with us until dawn.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Sunday Spring Break Beach Party

Sunday, March 26th is our College Spring Break Beach Party. Dress in swimwear (Speedos would be great) or a towel and get in free until 11 PM. Guests in swimwear or a towel get free fountain soda all night. Doors open Sunday @ 10 PM. Sunday is 18+ to enter a& 21+ to drink. Dance to DJ Josh Waters mix before and after the show. Victoria Rose & Siren host the Pantyliners Drag Show @ 11 PM. Our 21+ guests can enjoy our Keg Party in the Basement with Quarter (25 cent) draft Pabst Blue Ribbon all night. The Basement opens on Sundays for our 21+ guests @ 5 PM.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Drag Shows & Our Cabaret

A few weeks ago we re-opened our Cabaret on Saturday nights. We have struggled with a dilemma for quite some time. Faces on Fourth Street has an incredible Cabaret. We are very proud of the space, particularly the art installations throughout the room and stairway. We frequently have a problem filling the room though, which forced us to close the room for the last few months. When we remodeled the Cabaret three years ago, we did it in an attempt to jumpstart the crowds. The room is expensive to open and operate. We had already moved our other shows to the Main Room, in part to accommodate our 18+ crowds and in part because it was hard to make all three floors look crowded. Customers would frequently walk in, see an empty Main Room (dance floor), and assume the bar was dead, when in fact the crowds were spread over three floors. Our dance crowd rarely showed up on weekends until after 3 AM, so it made more sense to move the shows to the Main Room. We hated having this great room, sitting unused most of the time. We tried to promote the idea of coming early for a drag show then staying to enjoy another room of music, but that idea, while popular in most major cities, never seemed to click with our customers. A handful of customers would linger to enjoy the music, leaving us again with an empty room. So we closed the room, dropped the Saturday shows, and tried to focus on our other show nights (Sunday, Wednesday, & Friday). We continued to get customers on Saturday who expected a show (which seems to show how effective our ads are), so we decided to re-launch the Saturday shows, with a later start time (1 AM) and a longer run time (they end at 4 AM). We moved Steve-O, our Cherry Lounge DJ to the Basement several months ago and that too had met with mixed results...most customers I have spoken with had spent many nights in the Basement, read our ads and our emails, but did not know we had a DJ spinning. So far, our results for the Saturday shows have been disappointing, particularly since we introduced a March special, with no cover until 2 AM. With a later show start, a larger show cast, no cover until 2 AM, and the move to the Cabaret, and we still can't seem to reach our niche. We frequently got complaints from customers who wanted to dance, because the drag show was on our dance floor. Since the Saturday show move, I am only aware of 2-3 customers who actually danced in the Main Room before 3 AM. We need your help. We have a great venue for shows, great entertainers on stage (I think there were 9 last Saturday night), and a later start time, all per requests from customers. Help us keep the room open. We are reaching the time of year when the Cabaret will become even more costly to operate, when we must decide first if we can even afford to replace the rooftop AC units that were stolen last fall, then if we can afford to pay to cool the room all summer. We would love to be able to make the Saturday show work, then work on opening the Cabaret on other nights as well. We can only do that with your support.
Thank You To Our Forum Contributors
First, we want to thank everyone who has visited, read, and contributed thoughtful posts on our website forum. We learned a lot about what you thought and we hope our responses helped answer some of your questions and concerns. We have used many of your suggestions and we will continue to listen to you. While our website forum continues to generate interesting comments, we feel it is time try something new. We were one of the first gay bars in town to use a forum to communictae with customers and we are one of the few gay bars in town that actually keeps their website current with regular updates. The hottest new trend on the Internet is blogging. Blogs have quickly evolved from mind-numbing personal diaries to investigative reporting. Blogs frequently "get the story" first, beating traditional media to the big stories. We venture into this new, blogosphere with no illusions that our blog, Faces Full Frontal will be anything more then an extension of our website, While our website continues to be our primary Internet vehicle, we hope the immediacy of a blog will create more interest in Faces on Fourth Street, our events, and our promotions. We hope to use this blog to improve our communication with you. So, this blog will replace our forum for now. We will work on it, try to make it an effective tool, see if we can make it interesting, then, spin it off from our website, letting it stand alone and eventually we will put the forum back up.
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