"Brokeback Mountain" surprised a lot of people by doing well in some very "red states" and conservative cities. We think it would be cool if "Brokeback Mountain" broke records when it goes on sale on Tuesday, April 4, 2006. So, this is us doing our part to remind you to flood the stores on Tuesday to pick it up...or order it now from Amazon.com. Either way works for us. One blogger on Proceed at Your Own Risk suggested that, "Go buy a copy and give it to a straight person who hasn't seen the movie. People love free stuff no matter who they are and I would put forth the argument that many heterosexuals who wouldn't otherwise take the time to watch Brokeback Mountain, will do so if it's received as a gift.
Now don't go giving a copy to the obviously gay-friendly, target the almost gay-friendly or better yet, complete strangers. Give a copy to a straight family member who's not so sure about you and about "it." Be creative: a cop, a librarian, a teacher, a mother pushing a baby carriage, a bank teller, a grocery store clerk, a father playing with his son in the park, a co-worker. Do it anonymously if you must, but do it. I hear that George W. has yet to see the movie so feel free to mail one to the White House." There is a fun "Brokeback Mountain" website, complete with a contest, some "e-postcards", and a chance to tell your own story. Visit Brokeback Mountain DVD and check it out. Check out Proceed at your own risk for a thoughtful (and sometimes fun) blog.