For our friends, drinking buddies, and loyal customers - the latest buzz, musings, rants, raves & attempts at humor from Faces on Fourth Street - St. Louis's Hottest Afterhours Nightclub & Cabaret.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Have you tried AB's new Peels
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch had an article on March, 29, 2006 about Anheuser-Busch's new product, Peels, a fruit-juice flavored malt beverage. For those who like to be the first to try new stuff, we have been serving Peels for a few weeks @ Faces on Fourth Street. The Post wrote, "Earlier this month, Anheuser-Busch quietly rolled out Peels nationwide, with its four flavor combinations: blueberry-pomegranate, strawberry-passion fruit, pear-lemon and cranberry-peach...To make its product distinctive from other flavored beverages, Anheuser-Busch is using only natural fruit juices in the beverage, forgoing artificial flavors. Also, Peels contains no preservatives. " Peels is one of our specials on Wednesday nights...available for only $2 or try Peels on your next visit to Faces on Fourth Street this weekend for only $4.50. The Peels website lists some interesting cocktails you can make by mixing Peels with vodka. Look for us to be offering that sometime soon.